Monday, March 2, 2009

For Clarity

Bear with me...this might be a long one.

There have been targeted accusations from some candidates running for Gilbert Town Council who claim that “now is not the time for on the job training” and that experience is the only thing that matters in our local government. With all due respect to the great sacrifice some have made on behalf of our country and our community, I respectfully argue that now is not the time for the same old way of thinking in Gilbert. Our Town is facing new challenges and obstacles and we cannot approach those challenges while thinking the way we’ve always thought. The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again but expect different results. It’s time for Gilbert to grow up. Our local government needs a fresh perspective and strong voices to speak out on behalf of the people.

Under our current leadership, relationships between neighbors, other communities and the county have been strained. Local businesses have grown tiresome of the challenges that are continually put before them by the Town that says they support them. Residents want steady and clear communication from the town – not just as a courtesy but because citizen input is genuinely valued. The people of Gilbert deserve something more from their elected officials. They deserve to have elected officials who sound an alarm when property rights, the rights of business owners and the rights of taxpayers are being infringed upon. The people of Gilbert deserve leaders who will be accountable for decisions, who pay attention to detail and who put service above self.

We don’t need elected officials with experience when that experience includes spending tax-payer money frivolously, dangling permits in front of local business owners or ignoring the voice of the people. Is that the kind of “experience” that will lead our Town to be the premier community in the valley?

Some of my opponents have said that they represent family values quite well. While I do not doubt their commitment to their own families, the Gilbert they raised their children in is very different from the Gilbert today. I can best represent families in Gilbert because I see the challenges you face every day in my own life. I understand the difficulties you encounter because every day, my life intersects yours.

Some want to dwell on my age as an example of my experience. I don’t think that age defines a leader. A true leader exhibits character, commitment, humility and respect for others. A true leader is someone who works tirelessly and does it not for accolades or awards but because they believe they can make a positive difference within their sphere of influence.

It’s time for new leadership. It’s time for fresh ideas, fresh voices and a fresh perspective. Vote for Jenn Daniels on March 10th.

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